Production Geology for Other Disciplines

DISCIPLINE: Introductory and Multi-Discipline Training-Seminar

LEVEL: Basic

INSTRUCTOR(S): Coming Soon…


Start Date : Coming Soon
Ending Date : Coming Soon
Location : Coming Soon

Price : Call 713-400-7815 for the price

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This Course assumes the participant has had either a Basic Petroleum Geology Course, or has work experience that has offered some Geologic background. It does provide a minimal review of geological principles and environments of deposition. All being adjust so as to focus on the practical impact of geological pattern and uncertainty on reservoir appraisal and development.

Coming Soon

Coming Soon

About The Course

This Course assumes the participant has had either a Basic Petroleum Geology Course, or has work experience that has offered some Geologic background. It does provide a minimal review of geological principles and environments of deposition. All being adjust so as to focus on the practical impact of geological pattern and uncertainty on reservoir appraisal and development.

Who Should Attend

Coming Soon

Course Description

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